Local. Trusted.
Serving You.

Electricity & Telecommunication Services
Serving Plumas, Sierra, Lassen and Washoe counties since 1937.

Quick Link to Outage Tips

Electricity surrounds us and makes most aspects of our daily lives possible. We sometimes take it for granted, and forget that it can be dangerous and deserves our respect. Below are some things to keep in mind and precautions to take while using electricity.

If your school, group or organization would like to schedule an electrical safety demonstration, please contact our Member Services Department at (800) 555-2207.

Outage Tips

Electric service is one of the most reliable services you can purchase. PSREC works very hard to minimize power outages through many preventative maintenance programs.

From time to time, PSREC’s system requires maintenance that may result in a scheduled and planned outage. We try to plan these at times when there will be the least amount of inconvenience. When possible, members will be notified in advance of the planned outages to further minimize inconvenience.

But, there are times when an unplanned power interruption will occur. PSREC cannot control the weather or prevent unforeseen events. You can be sure that we are ready to serve you quickly and efficiently in the event of a power interruption.

The following information will be helpful in coping with an unplanned power outage, should it occur:

Helpful links

Prepare for power outages
Planning ahead for unexpected power outages can help make the best of a bad situation. Equip your home with a power outage kit that includes:

If someone in your home depends on electric-powered, life-sustaining equipment, make a plan for backup power.

Please install surge protectors on any sensitive electronics and appliances. Be sure to buy surge protectors that have a warranty for your connected load.

Is your business prepared for an unexpected power outage?
Being prepared for a power outage can help keep your business functioning.

Protect Your Equipment

Before an outage:

During an outage:

Is Backup Power An Option For Your Business?
Look at your essential business equipment and functions. Estimate the financial impact of losing power to those operations. Compare this to the cost of a backup power system to determine if it is a viable option.


What to do if the power goes out

Members can help during an outage


Some members use an electric generator as a standby system to keep lights and appliances running until power is restored.

A generator can help save food in your refrigerator and power other essential equipment, but it can also pose serious safety hazards to you and to others, so please follow all safety instructions provided by the manufacturer.

The law requires that members with a permanently installed or portable generator do not connect it to another power source, such as PSREC's power lines. If you own and operate a generator, you are responsible for making sure that electricity from your unit cannot "backfeed," or flow into PSREC’s power lines. For safety's sake, be sure to use your generator correctly; hire a licensed electrician to install a transfer switch that distributes power from the generator to your home’s circuit box. A double-pole, double-throw transfer switch is recommended to keep your generator from backfeeding into PSREC's system. The switch also keeps PSREC's power from re-energizing your house while your generator is running; protecting your equipment when power is restored.

If you do not install and operate your generator properly, you risk damaging your property and endangering your life and the lives of PSREC line workers who may be working on power lines. You are responsible for any injuries or damage to your property, your neighbors' or PSREC's, from an improperly installed or operated generator.

·   Before starting your generator, carefully read and follow all of the manufacturer's instructions.

·   Be sure that the total electric load on your generator will not exceed the manufacturer's rating.

·   Always locate your generator where its exhaust will vent safely.

Life Support Equipment
If someone in your home depends on electric-powered, life-sustaining equipment, make a plan for backup power.

PSREC's Life Line Program flags accounts in the system for special notification of individuals who rely on electricity for life support or special medical equipment.

If you or someone in your home has special medical equipment, please contact the PSREC office during normal business hours and ask to be put on the Life Line List. Please provide us with a land line or cell phone number as wireless phones do not work without electricity.

Members on the Life Line List will be contacted if there are any planned outages on the system that might effect their service. All PSREC members, including those on the Life Line List, are expected to pay their bills in a timely manner to avoid disconnection of service.


Outage Updates
During extended, system-wide power outages, PSREC will send text and e-mail updates. To sign up for text notifications, text PSREC to 95577. To sign up for e-mail notifications, visit the subscription page for our eNewsletter, enter your information and select the e-mail lists you would like to be part of.


Power Restoration Process


Helpful Links
This section contains links to helpful information from the California Energy Commission's Consumer Energy Center.

Getting Your Home Ready for Winter

Wintertime Home Energy Tips

If the Lights Go Out in Your House in the Winter

Being Prepared for Power Outages in Your Home

Portable Electric Generator Safety in Your Home

Wintertime Energy Tips for Offices & Small Business